Start-up Jumpstart©
Start-up Jumpstart©
Are you a start-up that's trying to raise money?
Our pitch decks and business plans have helped raise millions of dollars.
RedChip offers a program to pre and post-revenue start-ups to help you secure funding from seed rounds through Series B.

Start-Up Plans
Get professional insight into how to improve your plan and pitch deck.
We have reviewed hundreds of business plans, funded dozens of companies, and built companies to successful exits. Let us help you get started and avoid the common mistakes and pitfalls that plague the vast majority of start-ups and new business initiatives.
To be considered for Start-up Jumpstart©, your plan and pitch must fulfill certain requirements. Our team can currently accommodate only 9 start-ups at a time and submissions are reviewed on a first-come, first served basis. There is a $100, non-refundable application fee that will be applied to the program cost if you are accepted. So before you apply, please review our initial checklist to determine whether you are likely to be admitted. For more information, please email us at the address below.
Here's an article we wrote on the subject to get you started.